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It’s how we look at your business, marketing efforts, product line, and more.  We wring out the most value from the 20% of your efforts that produce 80% of the impact on your business. Thank you, Vilfredo Pareto for the principle of brilliant efficiency that has endured since 1896.

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Streamlined Success.

Let’s apply 80/20 strategies that accelerate profitability by focusing on what truly drives your business. 

Robert Murphy

Marketing Wingman

With over twenty-five years of hands-on marketing management experience across a broad gamut of industries, I bring a history of success in developing brands and core positioning, revamping and repositioning products, introducing new products and expanding market opportunities through innovative strategies in fast-paced environments. If you’re running a small to mid-size company or startup or leading the Sales charge for accelerating revenues, my “wingman” approach brings strategic vision and practical execution to help make your dreams come true.

What’s Your Revenue-Driven Branding Framework?

Hey, it’s ok if you don’t know. As a matter of fact, you can be fairly certain your competition doesn’t either, which will put you light years ahead once yours is in place.

So, let’s jump on a 30-minute phone call together (no cost to you… it’s on me) so that we can:

  • Take a quick inventory of your current brand/customer experience efforts
  • Assess how they’re lining up against business growth goals
  • Reveal hidden opportunities so you don’t miss out on “profit accelerators”
  • Give you X-ray vision to avoid potential land mines
  • Lay down an action plan you can take advantage of immediately

This call is specifically business owners or sales leaders. I’m your marketing wingman, especially if you thought you had marketing covered.

Let’s do this!

Reserve your complimentary 30-minute strategy session now:


13 + 15 =

I’d love to hear what dreams you have for your business, what challenges you have for achieving them, and offer some practical and instantly useable strategic advice.
